Susie Ballentyne Susie Ballentyne - Independent Psychologist

Inspiring Teams & Leaders

Susie Ballentyne - Independent Psychologist


Team Identity & Leadership

Every team is defined by the behaviour and culture of its members and leaders.

What does your cutlure tell you about who you are?

Effective leadership requires us to think beyond ourselves, to look at those we lead and the context and culture in which they are led.

Traditional approaches to leadership development and team manangement tend to get stuck. The focus on personal attributes dominates our thinking when it comes to ideas about what makes a good leader and how teams tick. New advances in psychology[1] turn our attention towards Identity Leadership; leadership as a process of social influence, identity and power. By working with the very latest thinking around organisational dynamics, we explore the identities of teams and organisations and examine how leadership emerges from the relationship between all those working towards a common goal.

My leadership and team development work takes a number of forms. I work both independently as well as with Bob Judson, co-Director and co-founder of our consultancy, Leading 4 Life. As former Air-Vice Marshall and Director at Deliotte, Bob brings over 40 years experience of leadership, which together allows us to deliver informed, empirical and valid expertise.

We work with teams and small groups of leaders within organisations in a variety of development programmes exploring Identity leadership and the associated issues of Emotional Intelligence, inter-personal communication and strategic planning.

We also work with leaders and followers together, to map identities, and focus on aligning key visions, motivations and aspirations.

In addition, I work using a range of psychometrics such as:

FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation-Behaviours) to explore personal and team behaviours

NEO-PI-3 (NEO Personality Inventory)

EIP (Emotional Intelligence Profile)

[1] 1. Haslam, Reicher & Platow (2010); Haslam et al. (2017).

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